A sneak peek at the new retro pinup girl line

A sneak peek at the new retro pinup girl line

I am currently obsessed with retro pinup girls. I’ve been creating some super fun designs and looking at clever ways to incorporate them into product designs. I will be launching a whole new retro pinup girl collection soon. You don’t want to miss out!

Join my kinky VIP tribe for an email reminder right when this collection launches!

As a sneak peek, you will only find the girl on the moped design in the shop but there are lots more to come!!

I’d love to hear who your favorite pinup girl artists are! Let me know in the comments. I’m currently focused on Peter Driben’s illustrations from the thirties, forties and fifties but I would love to expand my work for possible future product lines.

Introducing new kinky products

Introducing new kinky products

I’ve been having so much fun creating new kinky products over at red bubble that I had to share them with you. I’ve only just started adding designs but I plan to add more soon.

I started out with some of my favorite and more popular designs but totally let me know what designs you’d like me to add or even create. I’m always open to hearing back from you.

when you visit the red bubble shop, you’ll only see the hat designs but click on “shop all products” underneath to see the full line of each design.

this is only a tiny slice of what’s available over there. be sure to check it out. and if you’re a member of red bubble, please like and follow my shop to learn when I add new designs.

comment below if you’d like me to add more designs. it’s fun to play around with them.

Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas

Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas

If you’re still wondering what to get your special someone and you’re worried about running out of time, don’t worry. I’ve got you covered!

I’ve put together my list of sexy last minute gift ideas that are all instant downloads. Even if you’re reading this at midnight on Christmas Eve, it’s not too late! You can download all of these gifts the minute you buy them. They do need to be printed so be sure you have an access to a printer but other than that, you’re all set.

The Black Friday sale is next week!

The Black Friday sale is next week!

I can’t believe that Black Friday is in one week!! I’m planning on having a massive sale but if you join my Kinky VIP Tribe now to save even more. You’ll also receive 25% off everything all the time. There’s no reason not to. Do it now so you don’t forget! 🖤

You’ll also receive your VIP discount code on Thanksgiving morning, giving you a jump start on everyone one else. I strive to spoil my VIP community and this is one of the ways I do it.

The Holiday Coupon Book is here!

The Holiday Coupon Book is here!

I’m so excited to share with you that the brand new Holiday Coupon book is here! I had so much fun putting this one together and I’m sure you’re going to love it.

This coupon book is meant to be bought and shared BEFORE the holidays. I stuffed it full of a bunch of fun holiday-oriented activities and tasks that you can share with your significant other.

Unlike my other coupon books, this one is very G rated. It has one “sexy time” coupon but that’s it. Everything else is pure clean, holiday fun.

You can learn more about it here. Happy Holidays!

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