I’ve been having so much fun putting together some super hot and kinky memes for you. The hotter, the better as far as I’m concerned. These are very BDSM oriented since that’s what I write and the type of products I sell!

I’ve been posting them on my Instagram account (and people have been LOVING them) but I thought it’d be cool to post some of the favorites here. Be sure to follow my Instagram account for all the latest ones!

having a dirty mind meme

“Having a dirty mind makes ordinary conversations much more interesting.”

Don’t you agree?

when the kiss is so good meme

“When the kiss is so good that you end up having sex. Yea…that.”

Where do I sign up?

a dirty book meme

“A dirty book is rarely dusty.”

Absolutely? Have you read mine yet? You will want to!

nymphomania meme

“Nymphomania: a woman as obsessed with sex as an average man.”

This is the quote that blew up my Instagram account. People could not get enough of it!

swallowing meme

“Swallowing is an act of love.”

100% true!

beast meme

“Different people awaken different beasts in you.”

This is so true!

innocent face meme

“There’s always a wild side to an innocent face.”

If people only knew! You should see the surprised looks I get when I play Cards Against Humanity. LOL!!

licked meme

“I liked it so it’s mine.”

I love this meme especially since I’m a licker AND a biter. You’d better watch out.

sexual preference meme

“My sexual preference is often. “

A true classic and 100% true.

man moan meme

“Hearing a man moan because of you is the sexiest sound ever.”

Absolutely. My favorite sound ever.

when i'm good meme

“When I’m good, I’m very good, but when I’m bad, I’m better.” You’d like me when I’m bad. 

dirty mind meme

“I don’t have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination.”

I have a huge sexy imagination. Check out my books to see just how sexy!

soulmate meme

“A gentleman holds my hand. A man pulls my hair. A soulmate will do both.”

I’m super lucky to be with my soulmate.

bedroom meme

“The nicer you treat her outside the bedroom, the naughtier it will get inside the bedroom.”

You will be amazed what treating a woman really well will do for you once you get to the bedroom.

friendship meme

“You can’t ruin friendship with sex. That’s like trying to ruin ice cream with chocolate sprinkles.” An interesting thought!

moaning meme

“I want to forget my name while I’m busy moaning yours.”

money meme

“Sex is like money: only too much is enough.” Absolutely!!

nature meme

“Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature.” This is 100% true. 

neck meme

“If you kiss my neck, I’m not responsible for what happens next…”

My total weak spot.


mystical experience meme

“When sex involves all the senses intensely, it can be like a mystical experience.”

I totally agree. Sex should always be a mystical experience.


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